Micro Current Neurofeedback
Micro Current Neurofeedback is designed to help the brain rebalance and reorganize itself.
About IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback (MCN)
Unlike traditional talk therapies, IASIS MCN produces a measurable change in the brainwaves without conscious effort from the individual receiving the feedback. The device, under the care of a trained IASIS MCN provider, uses an FDA cleared EEG device that uses brief micro current stimulation to the nervous system, creating a temporary change in brainwaves. This allows for the delicate release of stuck patterns and disentrains the brain where needed. This only shifts unhealthy and dysfunctional brain patterns—leaving healthy ones to continue as they are flexible in nature. The result is a shifted brainwave state and a much greater ability for the brain and nervous system to regulate itself.
Our experience shows that more than 85% of our those that receive IASIS MCN treatment observe a noticeable, positive changes in two-three sessions; however for lasting results we recommend 10-20 sessions. The length of treatments vary depending on each patient’s unique needs and timing of treatment process. The average treatment time is around 30 minutes. The effects of IASIS MCN are cumulative in nature and patients report changes that are generally enduring and sustainable over time. The IASIS MCN device is very helpful in many areas that impact the every day lives of many.
The challenges to the brain's functioning accumulate over time, and so do the transformative benefits of IASIS MCN. Our accumulated negative experiences and trauma leave imprints in our brains and bodies. With each IASIS MCN session, the positive effects compound, fostering a cumulative healing process that allows our brains to create healthy pathways for balance and health.
Contact Us
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